How we help

Being diagnosed with cancer can be overwhelming. You may be worried about what happens next or thinking about the impact on your life. We understand that you need more than medicine to cope with all the ways that cancer impacts your life.


Do you…


  • Need to talk to someone?

  • Feel frightened?

  • Feel alone, overwhelmed or anxious?

  • Want to know how to help yourself?

  • Worry about  your future, your family?

  • Need help financially?



How we can help

We can put you in touch with the right people who can help you with your specific needs and we can ease some of the financial pressures you are facing.


You are first and foremost a person with a life to be lived, and cancer is only one part of this. It is important you make small and sustainable changes whilst nurturing yourself at the deepest level.

No matter what type of cancer you have you need the right tools to manage the impact of cancer in every area of your life. There are a range of free services available, that are designed to help you feel better and live better with cancer, its treatments and side effects.

Whether it’s learning about healthy food, coping with treatment side effects, getting to grips with the emotional impact of cancer, or help with financial strains, we can help you find what you need right now.